Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cutting a Christmas Tree - it's a tradition!

Almost every year, ever since I can remember my Dad and I have cut down a Christmas tree.
There were a few exceptions; years when the weather was really bad we would just buy one.  Mostly though we have always gone together to pick out, and cut down our Christmas tree.  This is one of my most favorite, looked forward to traditions of the Christmas season.  Some of my best memories of past Christmas times were of when my Dad and I went to get the tree together. 

This year, today was the day that we went ventured out to cut down the tree.  My brother came too, this time.  As the three of us climbed up the snowy hillside, in search of our "perfect tree",  I silently thanked God for this time we all had together.  All of us have been so busy that we have scarecly had more than an hour or so together in months.  We searched, and searched for the "perfect tree", but the forest wasn't delivering that tree that is just perfect.  When frustration of trudging through deep snow, and being rather chilly was about to be upon us, my little brother (who isn't really so little anymore, he's 15.)  said "Hey! I think I found out."   My Dad and I, climbed the 20 feet down the hill in what was waist deep snow for me, and we looked at the tree.  In years past I would've complained thinking there were too many holes, or that the branches were too long, etc.  This year though, I looked at this tree that was far from "perfect", turned to my Dad & brother, and said, "I love it.  I think it's absolutely perfect in its own way." 

As my Dad, my brother, and I took turns sawing to cut down the tree.  I thought about everything my Dad taught me over the years.  He taught me all the basics in home improvement,  how to build a campfire, how to set up a hammock, how to drive, and goodness! Even how to cut down a Christmas tree.  Somehow in cutting down a slightly quirky Christmas tree, made me realize that though I may not have the "perfect" cookie cutter family.  Let alone, a family that are Christians, I'm still thankful for them.  I'm thankful for all that both my mom, and Dad have taught me.  I'm thankful for this tradition of cutting down a Christmas tree with my Dad.  It's significant, and it means something to both of us.  I continue steadfastly in prayer for my families' souls as well.  Continue on rejoicing world of blogging, for the Lord is good!

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