There are some moments, some memories that I just want to take a snap shot of and put it in a special place to save it for a rainy day. They are the ones that I will probably never really forget, and the ones that I hide away in my heart for a rainy day. All these moments, all these memories are displays of God's love and grace, and I'm overwhelmed by the number of them that I have from the last few weeks. They may not mean hardly anything to you, but I'm going to write them down anyway.
Here's just a few. Playing hide and seek after service in the church sanctuary with a group of kids who have so much of my heart. Who knew that would be so much fun! God has given me such a love for these precious little souls that I cannot really explain or fathom, but I pray for them continually and it makes my heart hurt to think of leaving them when I go back to school in a few weeks. A church camp out where one family in particular took me in, shared their campsite and food with me, and I got to share in the joy of watching them spend time together as a family. It brought joy to my heart to watch them slide down a "rock slide" into a picturesque swimming place in a river. Climbing rocks up a river with someone who is seriously my little brother in so many ways. Playing Lord of the Rings risk, sleeping on absolutely hard ground, star gazing, and singing worship songs by a campfire.
Laughing with my family and debating between olive or gray Tom's for a ridiculous amount of time, much of it taking place in a grocery store in Forks Washington. Finding my pet rock Elizabeth with my family, running on the beach with my brother, and being able to go on a family vacation again. Having the blessing of being able to surprise someone incredibly dear to my heart with flowers and dark chocolate. Watching Tangled with my precious little cousin from Thailand, and praying about the Land of Smiles. Being part of more than one family. Making a certain special pie for someone equally as special. Being called Willa Vanilla Bean or Miss Willa. Reading Ephesians in the sunshine on the bridge of a river. Being captivated by a book about a girl who gave up everything for the sake of Christ and others. Making tacos for my family the night they returned home from their trip. Laughing so hard my abs literally hurt, courtesy of my "little brother".
Spending the summer with my family, and my church family. I could go on, but I think that's enough for now. Words can't rightly express my love for my family, my church family, and the children I'm privileged to teach Sunday school to. The love of the body of Christ has been so clearly displayed so many ways to me in the last couple weeks, and that's a work of God. Amazing. And words cannot nearly come close to express the immense way God has displayed His love and glory through all these things. I love this quote by Jonathan Edwards:
“God is the highest good of the reasonable creature. The enjoyment of Him is our proper; and is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. Better than fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, or children, or the company of any, or all earthly friends. These are but shadows; but the enjoyment of God is the substance. These are but scattered beams; but God is the sun. These are but streams; but God is the fountain. These are but drops, but God is the ocean.”
All these things that I have just listed are merely scattered beams. They point to something greater, and the only way I can rightly enjoy them is to know that God is the source. The enjoyment of Him as Edwards has so eloquently said, is so very much sweeter than any of these things, however dear they are to my heart, God is still dearer. I praise Him for all these sunbeams because they are a displayed of His rich love, grace and glory. It is true that He lavishes us with His grace, and it is also true that is for the praise of His glory! So to Him be the glory and praise for all these things. What wondrous love He's given.
Overwhelmed with thankfulness,
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